You will consult one of our experienced doctors who will be with you on your journey, providing you with a personalised treatment plan tailored to your medical condition.
During your treatment, our doctors will initially follow up closely with you in subsequent appointments at a lower cost.
A follow-up will be a simple process of reviewing your dose and symptom control. Our doctors can then determine the number of repeat prescriptions needed and assess the need for any alternative therapies.
The cost of consultations are refunded in full if you are assessed to be not eligible.
Telehealth Consultation
Medication Education
Prescription sent to Pharmacy
Receive medication from pharmacy in 2-5 business days
Telehealth Consultation
Complete review of medical plan
Ongoing prescriptions sent to pharmacy same day
Receive medication from pharmacy 2-5 business days
Telehealth Consultation
Review of patient history and background
Patient to organise product delivery from authorised distributor
Follow-ups required
Monday to Friday:
9:00am to 5:00pm (Queensland Time)